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register_sidebar(array( 'name' => sprintf("%s", __('Admin Screen')), 'id' => 'admin', 'description' => '', 'before_widget' => '<div class="admin widget"><div class="widget-inner">', 'after_widget' => '</div></div>', 'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">', 'after_title' => '</h3>' )); add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', function () { wp_add_dashboard_widget('wp_dashboard_widget', 'May I help you?', function () { ob_start(); // start buffering output dynamic_sidebar('admin'); $aspectRatio = 9 / 16 * 100; // 56.25% ?> <style type="text/css"> .responsive-video { position: relative; width: 100%; padding-top: <?php echo $aspectRatio; ?>%; } .responsive-video > iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; } #wp_dashboard_widget h2 { background-color: #f2ff9c; } #wp_dashboard_widget h3 { font-weight: bold; } </style> <?php $buffer = ob_get_contents(); // buffered output to variable ob_end_clean(); // end buffering // Keep the Youtube video aspect ratio. if (preg_match('/<iframe[^>]+?(\/www\.youtube\.com\/)[^>]+?>[^<>]*?<\/iframe>/', $buffer, $matches)) { $buffer = str_replace($matches[0], '<div class="responsive-video">'.$matches[0].'</div>', $buffer); } echo $buffer; }); }); |